Make Money as Your Employee


The idea of making money as your employee is about ensuring that your money works for you, rather than you constantly working for money.

During the initial years of your career, it makes perfect sense to work for money. Then the money should work for you so that you don’t have to completely depend on your 9 to 5 job. Shift your focus to building a financial foundation that reduces your reliance on active income. Discipline is the key to make money work for you and bring more money to you.

We should treat money as seeds which will grow over time into trees which will bear more money. This can be achieved by being disciplined with your saving and investing habits. If you have debts, then you should focus on wiping those off. Debts are bugs that prevent your money trees from growing. Try to automate savings and investments, so you don’t have to think about them. Delegate tasks to your “money employees” and let them work tirelessly for you. We will discuss more savings and investments soon.

By focusing on making money as your employee, you take control of your finances, work less for money, and create opportunities to live life on your terms.

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